it makes sense to put
strategy before design.

Our Project Approach and Philosophy
We know of designers who claim that design is the most important aspect of a project. As fellow creatives, we would love to be able to say that is true, but our belief is that design without a strategy is simply fluff. Because websites, brochures, logos, and campaigns have goals (financial and otherwise) tied to them, design is one of the very last things we do during a project. We have found if we spend our time on the front-end working out the strategies that will help us reach your goals, then the resulting design will be fun and appropriately compelling.
Most of our projects are split into 3 phases: Discover, Create, and Manage. Discover answers these major questions: Where are you today, What is your history, Where do you want to be tomorrow, and Who are your ideal clients? At this point in time, it’s not possible for us to set a plan, site map, storyboard or concept. We can’t tell you what the features and specs will be. This discovery phase is all part of the project, not part of the proposal. Once we do a Discovery Workshop with you, we will get enormous amounts of information that will help to inform the project strategy.
Content Strategy and Development
We will work with you via an interview process to develop and compose:
- Your mission statement and/or vision statement
- Bios
- Program descriptions
- Homepage messaging
- Calls to action
- Navigational architecture and naming/labeling
- Landing pages
- Other callouts, images and graphics that inspire people to take action.
You know best what your business is all about. We understand how to get people to read all that. Our main focus is collaboration all the way.
- Socially-conscious businesses
- Green and LEED-Certified groups/companies
- Charter, Private and Public Schools
- Human Services and Health organizations
- Health and Wellness professionals
- Universities
- Cultural Arts organizations
- Foundations
- Nonprofits
- B-Corporations
- Environmental organizations
- Philanthropic groups
- Animal Rights groups
- Advocacy groups